Bob Woodward

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Bob Woodward

Legendary Pulitzer Prize-Winning Investigative Journalist
Author and Associate Editor, The Washington Post

  • With Carl Bernstein, Woodward uncovered the Watergate Scandal
  • Author, twelve #1 bestsellers – more than any contemporary nonfiction writer – 18 bestsellers in all
  • Iconic investigative journalist; winner of nearly every American journalism award, including two Pulitzers
  • Reporter-historian with an aggressive but fair and non-partisan reputation for digging deep to uncover Washington’s secrets. Gives audiences unvarnished look at Washington politics and leaders
  • “Woodward has established himself as the best reporter of our time. He may be the best reporter of all time.” – Bob Schieffer, CBS News Face the Nation
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The Age of the American Presidency

Donald Trump is creating an entirely new American Presidency, breaking most rules and setting a new non-traditional course. Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward is now turning to the 45th president, putting him in context and addressing what is going on behind the scenes and what to expect.

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Maybe the single greatest reporting effort of all time.

Gene Roberts, former managing editor of the New York Times

Woodward has established himself as the best reporter of our time. He may be the best reporter of all time.

Bob Schieffer, CBS News