ROSS SHAFER is a 6-time Emmy Award Winning Comedian and Writer. Pretty good for pet shop manager moonlighting as a comedian. In l984, a local TV station saw him and decided to hire him as an on-air host. Ross’ unconventional style was soon spotted by the networks and he moved to Hollywood to host talk/game shows for ABC, Fox, USA, and Comedy Central.
What Ross gleaned most from show business was how TV and movies reacted to emerging trends and human behavior shifts. So in l994, he began studying how customer emotional connections affected organizational growth (or extinction).
To that end, he has written 14 H.R. training films on customer service, motivation, and leadership. He is also the author of nine books, including his two newest BEHAVE LIKE A START UP…and SUCCESS: IT’s ON YOU.
Today, Ross is one of the most sought after keynote speakers on the subjects of Customer Empathy, Personal Motivation, Leadership and Business Relevance.